November seemed to zoom past -- one day I was admiring the leaf color and hoping that the Halloween pumpkin would still be good for a Thanksgiving decoration . . . the next thing I knew I was washing dishes after the feast and making turkey sandwiches with the leftovers.
They say that as one ages, time seems to speed up. The explanation for this is elegantly simple:when one is young, say six years old, (and assuming one doesn't have much memory of the first few years of life) a year is maybe a third or fourth of all one's experience.
Whereas at the age of -- oh, say sixty-seven -- a year is just a small fraction of one's personal history and therefore seems to pass all the more quickly.
Makes sense to me.
And then there's the dichotomy between real time and fictional time. I spend much of my real time immersed in fictional time -- whether in the book I'm proofreading (UNDER THE SKIN set in May and June of 2007 and May of 1887 ) or the book I'm planning (many different times) or the various books I'm reading (also many different times.)
It's a wonder I even know what year it is.
Last month we said goodbye to Molly -- our old girl. It seems odd to be reduced to three dogs after many years of five or six but I have to admit the house is staying slightly cleaner (Molly was a champion shedder) and it's a bit easier to maneuver around without tripping over a dog or two.
I'm passing along this nice idea -- remembering my childhood visits to the book department of Maas Department store in Tampa to buy the latest Nancy Drew. I don't have a handy child but may just treat my inner child to one of the lovely children's books that are out there.
And of course, books are great holiday gifts. I always look forward to spending Christmas afternoon with a wonderful new book.
Speaking of books
Deana said - Books I've recently read and loved: Eliot Pattison has a series going of a Chinese official banished and imprisoned in Tibet. I've read the first two of the three he's written, "The Skull Mantra" and "Water Touching Stone." Probably even more interesting than the mysteries Inspector Shan Tao Yun solves is all the stuff I learned about modern-day Tibet's tragic occupation by China and also many interesting insights into Tibetan Buddhism.
I've been asked by the coordinators of this event to share the above press release with you. Unfortunately, if I make it large enough to read, it won't fit on the page. But I'm happy to say I've been asked to be the guest speaker at The Friends of the Mountains Branch Library’s first Books & Bites Series event on Thursday, January 27 at noon.
It will be at the historic Esmeralda Inn on Route 74 just outside the village of Chimney Rock.A generous portion of the twenty five dollar cost for the luncheon is being contributed to the library.
Tickets ($25) are available by phone (828-625-0456), in person at The Mountains Branch Library on Bills Creek Road in Lake Lure, or by check made out to: The Friends of the Mountains Branch Library, and mailed to: Mountains Branch Library, 150 Bills Creek Rd., Lake Lure, NC 28746.
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Please leave a comment or email me vicki_laneATmtnareaDOTnet and let me know what you're reading or anything else that's on your mind!
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